New Post: Column.DataType not populated
dbReader.AllTables() doesn't load the DataTypes itself (dbReader.ReadAll() does). If the datatypes are loaded, it links them up. So do this: var dbReader = new DatabaseReader(connectionString,...
View ArticleNew Post: Support for unsigned integer types coming any time soon?
Yes, the patch (actually a one liner) keeps the unsigned marker - at least against the MySQL version I have. I don't think the functionality for simple database translations will work- I need to test...
View ArticleNew Post: Support for unsigned integer types coming any time soon?
Just retried after applying 34576 & 34577 patches. UNSIGNED INT columns still showing up as INT. I'll keep an eye on the source history. Thanks for working on this.
View ArticleNew Post: Column.DataType not populated
That worked, thanks. I checked in my T4 templates into
View ArticleNew Post: Column.DataType not populated
Not sure if you got a chance to review the code. It's now more complete and generates poco and dbcontext. My experience didn't convince me that T4 is better than a self contained code gen because #1)...
View ArticleNew Post: Column.DataType not populated
Nice project! I've used T4 before with the db Schema Reader, but never got something I was happy with. One way that might make it easier to work with would be to use a Visual Studio extension (.vsix)....
View ArticleNew Post: Column.DataType not populated
One problem I found is that different database provider has a different interpretation of the same specification. Although the data structure has been standardized by the Database Schema Reader, the...
View ArticleNew Post: Column.DataType not populated
The big problem is that the datatypes are so different- especially SQLite! The column.DataType object does has some features which make things easier- the IsString, IsInt, IsNumeric and IsDateTime...
View ArticleNew Post: Get schema for the result set returned by stored procedure
Thanks! That is exactly what i have been searching for.
View ArticleNew Post: dublicated Arguments List when call AllStoredProcedures several times
Just faced with the issue. Below is the my test to demonstrate it. It seems that when run AllStoredProcedures() Arguments data is not cleaned before Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed....
View ArticleNew Post: dublicated Arguments List when call AllStoredProcedures several times
Just checked in a fix. Thanks for the test!
View ArticleNew Post: Unique indexes not picked up?
Hi, I have a table with a primary key and a unique index on it. The schema reader picks up the PK, but does not recognize the unique key. I am using MSSSQL 2012. I checked IsUnique and also used the...
View ArticleNew Post: DatabaseArgument.Ordinal is a decimal
Hi, See subject. I was wondering if this was intentional or not, and if it was, why is it? Thanks
View ArticleNew Post: Oracle NVARCHAR2 becomes a Int32?
Hi, Whenever I have a NVARCHAR2 column in Oracle, it gets translated to NetType Int32. FYI, I am doing some extensive testing of your library. Forgive me if I am so short. I truly appreciate your efforts.
View ArticleNew Post: Oracle NVARCHAR2 becomes a Int32?
Actually it looks the problem is on my side... Maybe I should go sleep :)
View ArticleNew Post: Unique indexes not picked up?
The SQLServer indexes collection doesn't include unqiueness. Unique constraints are a separate collection, so they work fine. Unique indexes have a "unique" flag on other databases, but apparently not...
View ArticleNew Post: Stored Procedure Arguments for Oracle
Hi there, Not sure if this is issue of this lib or perhaps issue of the connection string, but arguments for stored procedures are not filled in. As I figured out after debugging the problem in...
View ArticleNew Post: DatabaseArgument.Ordinal is a decimal
Probably intentional. One or more of the databases return a decimal rather than a int. In practice it should always be an int, but in this case I preserved the type. Can't remember the database... not...
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